Inspirited Results

Inspirited Individuals Achieving Meaningful Results Together

My views in a nutshell

How do humans actually change? And how does that knowledge help companies achieve superior results? Not that having the right analytical answer isn’t important – it really is – very important. It’s not either or – it’s both.

In March 2020 - just before the first lock-down in the Netherlands - I was interviewed by Caroline Glasbergen of the New Female Leaders Foundation. About my professional journey, leadership, diversity, business results and humanized change. The interview is in Dutch, but English sub-titles are available.

For links to the full interview as well topic-snippets click the 'More' button below.

My background and beliefs

My invitation to the business world is to be as rigorous about ‘inviting people to shift’ as about the ‘analytical answer’ - for lasting, humanized change to happen.

After pursuing my own path within Bain for 20 years in the 'hard business side of change' I feel I have a role to play in the link to the softer, so-called 'undercurrent side of change'. Continuing to immerse myself in that field with passion.

I believe in a pluralistic approach - no ‘one’ approach is best. It’s about taking the best from all there is out there for superior business results: from anthropology to biology, from psychology to coaching, from economics to business, from philosophy to body/energy-work, from science to spirituality and from observations to storytelling.

For my full biography click on the LinkedIn icon at the bottom of this page. For more background click 'More'.

My expertise

I focus on three main pillars:

  • Supporting business change
    At the answer stage (define direction) and
    at the the post-answer stage (making it happen)

  • Unleashing power in people
    Inclusion at intra-human, inter-human and company level

  • Coaching selectively
    For individuals and teams

If you'd like to learn more, click 'More'.

My inspiration

I am a passionate reader and knowledge/experience gatherer. And I love nothing more than to share with others.

If you'd like to see a selection of my favorite books, methods, movies, poems and stories click 'More'.

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